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02 July, 2010Y

i'm coming back with a new skin.
ohhhh, and i created a tumblr (:
feel free to drop by and dont forget to follow me (x

7/02/2010 06:04:00 PM happyy-stopp

i'm coming back with a new skin.
ohhhh, and i created a tumblr (:
feel free to drop by and dont forget to follow me (x

7/02/2010 06:04:00 PM happyy-stopp


7/02/2010 06:04:00 PM happyy-stopp

23 June, 2010Y

wow, lots of thing happen in june :D
can say that is my most happy month of the year (x ( eventhou this year haven't end :/)
anyway, because lots of things happen in this month. so many people's birthday, so many events are going one and so on.
first of all, i just came back from shanghai :D its ssoooooo fun. i learned a lots of things from there. i would like to suggest you guys to go for Shanghai World Expo 2010. Therefore, i skipped school for almost 1 week = =" right after i came back, exam starts.

after exam finished, its prom (: had fun with all my friends. to those 5i's:
take care and good luck in the future ya. keep in touch.
i didn't really took much photos = = and now i regret because i dont like my make up that day!! argh, anyway, still can take it lah ><"

after prom, hohohoho.....
enjoy staying with pei xuan, nikki, evelyn, vady and fazzli :D
you know, we know then can already lah right? hehehe....
the next day hang around in midvalley and then go back home.

the next day, 21 of june. swimming gala, damn nervous man. seriously = ="
i have no idea why, but still, i managed to get third (x lucky man.
one more thing, today and yesterday i made sushi, ahahah. I'm in love with sushi now man.
anyway, got to go now. meet my dear :D

teehee. got bronze for freestyle. (:

6/23/2010 09:01:00 PM happyy-stopp

26 May, 2010Y

the cruise: okay okay, no problem

grand millennium: aiya, always there

mandarin oriental: okay. everyone no problem? no no no...

at the end....

grand millennium. = ="

hello, please make things clear. may i know who's the one who start up the thing first? and then just SNATCH it from other people. moral at bit please. at least ask in a better way. want in-charge just tell me la, want to be the head tell me la, you want everyone to thank you tell me la. i can give it to you. but why you want to use this kind of stupid way? why end up grand millennium huh?? problems coming up, nothing done yet. good good. let's see when everything will be done.

okay, i'm done. phewww, feeling better :D

5/26/2010 03:33:00 PM happyy-stopp

22 May, 2010Y

wow, since ages i didnt update my blog. ahahaa
no la, its so hard to go online at boarding house, internet suck like shit. what to do.
somemore exam year, not free and all. plus my laptop went for repair DAMN long. i just got my laptop few days ago. i thought the people lost my laptop already :\

anyway, i can blog now because I'm at home. so boring, im at home while my friend is at school.
currently im sick, walk like a dead people. feel like im flying while im walking. wtf.
a lot of people are sick now, maybe its because of the weather.

okay, its time to go people. bye :D

5/22/2010 10:56:00 PM happyy-stopp

02 January, 2010Y

happy new year everyone ((: wish all of you happy in 2010.
sigh, my last night in bandar sungai long ): my lovely house which i have stayed for 10 years. so many memories in this house. and tomorrow gotta wake up early, omg~~ so tiring! i've been waking up early for one week, gosh.... anyway, i have to go sleep, i need to wake up early tomorrow AGAIN. bye~ i'll miss you, my lovely home (: night!

1/02/2010 11:22:00 PM happyy-stopp